According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 25% of adults over the age of 65 have fewer than 8 teeth. If this statistic sounds all too familiar, then you already know the impact advanced tooth loss can have on your smile, bite, and speech. Fortunately, issues like these don’t have to be permanent thanks to modern dentures. These custom-made, smile-rebuilding restorations are more lifelike than ever before, especially since the addition of denture adhesive can maximize your bite and minimize discomfort. If you are looking for the right product for you, keep reading!
(more…)Are you afraid to reach out to people because you’re worried about your dentures? Whether you are getting a set of dentures in Los Angeles for the first time, or you’re in need of a replacement but haven’t had a chance to visit a dentist yet, it’s understandable if you feel nervous about an upcoming date or special occasion with someone you’re just getting to know. With the help of these five tips from a dentist, you can start feeling confident about your romantic life all while wearing a denture along the way.