According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 25% of adults over the age of 65 have fewer than 8 teeth. If this statistic sounds all too familiar, then you already know the impact advanced tooth loss can have on your smile, bite, and speech. Fortunately, issues like these don’t have to be permanent thanks to modern dentures. These custom-made, smile-rebuilding restorations are more lifelike than ever before, especially since the addition of denture adhesive can maximize your bite and minimize discomfort. If you are looking for the right product for you, keep reading!
“Denture adhesive” is often used as an all-encompassing term. In reality, there are three main types: creams, powders, and cushions. Ultimately, determining which one is best for you will require some testing. However, across the board, there are a few brands that consistently create top-rated products, like:
The step-by-step process of properly applying denture adhesive will vary depending on your unique dental needs and the product you are using. However, there are some all-encompassing tips to keep in mind for maximum effectiveness:
If your dentures are ill-fitting, then don’t attempt to secure them in place by adding more and more adhesive. Instead, schedule an appointment with your dentist. After all, the adhesive is designed to provide an additional layer of security, not hold them in place altogether. At your appointment, your dental team will make the proper adjustments to ensure your dentures fit snugly again. If your jawbone has changed extensively, then a replacement will need to be made. Either way, it’ll be well worth it when you have a secure smile and bite again!
If you are looking for the right denture adhesive for you, the best place to start is by trying out cream, powder, and cushion options from trusted brands. Of course, if you need any specific recommendations, don’t hesitate to ask your dental team!
At The Dental Smile Center, we have not one, not two, but three exceptionally skilled and experienced doctors. With our amazing team at their side, we are able to help patients with everything from periodontal therapy and quality restorative work to modern dentures. If your dentures have become loose or you are interested in learning more about this tooth replacement option, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team via website or by phone at 818-780-9700.
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