The summer brings warm weather, fun with loved ones, and of course, backyard barbeques. For those with traditional tooth replacements like dentures, steaks, corn, and other summer staples can be difficult to chew. However, dental implants are firmly rooted in your jawbone, allowing you to eat virtually anything you want! Read on to learn about some of the foods you can enjoy with dental implants as well as when you should exercise some caution.
(more…)Summertime is all about being active, getting out and trying new things, spending quality time with friends, and eating great food! However, something as small as a gap or two in your smile can put a huge damper on your ability to enjoy the sunshine and quality social time. Traditional restorations like bridges and dentures are a great cosmetic solution to restore your smile, but sometimes, they still present barriers that keep you from getting the most out of your life. With dental implants, you can enjoy this season with a fully restored smile that allows you to do everything you want to!