Even with the best oral care routine, sometimes teeth can still break down from decay and cavities. In other cases, it can be worn down without even realizing it if you have an unconscious teeth grinding problem. No matter what the cause might be, you deserve restorative solutions that are functional and protect your teeth for years to come. We also utilize completely natural-looking, high-quality dental materials, so you don’t have to choose between better oral health and a beautiful smile with restorative dentistry from our Van Nuys, CA dentist.
Unlike dental fillings that you may have received decades ago, our restorations do not use metal materials of any kind. In the past, you may have received fillings that contained copper, nickel, silver, or gold. In order to keep your dental restorations metal-free, reduce the risk of them expanding inside your smile and causing potential problems later, and ensure the most natural-looking smile, we utilize composite resin.
When it comes to one of the most versatile dental treatments out there, it’s difficult to understate the usefulness of dental crowns. These ceramic restorations are capable of covering teeth damaged by decay or physical injury, make up a more complex restoration like a bridge, denture, or dental implant, and hide cosmetic imperfections like permanent stains or chips that make teeth appear jagged. Whatever your needs might be, our dental crowns are always personalized to you.